Sunday, April 4, 2010

Predatory Female Part 55

Part 55

The next subchapter I'm on is called "The Women's Side"

Q. Do you have a constructive suggestion for
the young woman who hasn't yet married?

A. Consider how degrading it is to depend
solely on someone else for support. There is
an alternative to "Mr. Wonderful" that can
give you great personal satisfaction, a feeling
of accomplishment. Get a career. Make something
of yourself financially. Don't become
dependent for the rest of your life on somebody
that you may not even like in a few

The next subchapter I'm on is called "Matriarchal Judiciary"

Q. How can judges be so blatantly profemale?

A. Your description is accurate. To this date,
the public record demands that most judges
be classified as pro-female. They are elected
officials and women control the vote. Have
you ever heard of the League of Men Voters
or the National Organization for Men? The
matriarchal society will not long tolerate a
judge who doesn't lean toward women. If he
strays far from the party line they'll have him
removed, or at least attempt it. The predatory
females of our society, the controlling factor,
want jurists who understand that children
need their mothers at the "tender age,"
because they'll soon be too old for indoctrination
into the matriarchal thinking process. In
fact, the matriarchy has deposed judges for a
single careless remark, deemed anti-feminist.

The nest subchapter I'm on is called "Children"

Q. The courts have taken my children away
from me. I see them when allowed, but my little
boy hides under the bed or in a closet when
it's time to go back to his mother. The resulting
scene is heartbreaking. Do you have any
general suggestions?

A. Children are expendable to a predatory
female. They come second. You may be, even
without custody, your kids' only real hope.
It's not uncommon for an ex-wife to subject
your children to serious surgery, for example,
without ever informing you. Insist on seeing
them regularly, never fail to pick them up on
time, never promise anything you can't deliver,
and never say anything bad to them about
their mother. Some men, knowing the materialistic
truths about predatory females, have
successfully purchased their children. You
might consider offering her an additional sum
of money per month (contractual alimony) or
a lump sum. Predatory females are very concerned
about social stigma, so to facilitate the
transaction and provide her with an avenue
for approval by her friends, you may have to
disguise the purchase in some manner.

"Happiness is finding a picture of your
ex-wife on a shopping bag"
—Airline Pilot