I guess I will do one more, I don’t want to do too much over lap from what I already have stored in my archives but this one is too good to pass up. After all there has been lots of discussions about women spending their youth on bad boys, jerks, prison guys, musicians and all other guys who are exciting but don’t have much have a financial future. While saving the nice responsible guys for marriage once their youthful looks are gone or fading away. What I’m going do is break down what I believe is their Sexual Currency Value. I’m surprised I don’t have a post in my archives which breaks down this value so I will do it right now.
I'm going to assign a total of 100 currency dollars for the ladies total sexual currency value and for each year they age some of this sexual currency is going to permanently vanish. To make it fun I inserted music videos which I deem to be appropriate as I go through this
Just turned 18 years old Queen of the world and has all 100 sexual currency dollars
Now she is 19 and she now has 88 sexual currency dollars 12 has been forever lost
Now she is 20 and she now has 76 sexual currency dollars 24 has been forever lost
Now she is 21 and she now has 64 sexual currency dollars 36 has been forever lost
With that said she most likely is a very hot babe who wants to have her fun and sow her wild oats and Marriage is the furthest from her mind and just wants a fun wild time
Now she is 22 and she now has 54 sexual currency dollars 46 have been forever lost
Now she is 23 and she now has 44 sexual currency dollars 56 have been forever lost
Now she is 24 and she now has 34 sexual currency dollars 66 have been forever lost
Overall she is still pretty attractive and now is thinking about marriage but will be super picky while still having fun with all the exciting guys
Now she is 26 years old and she has 16 sexual currency dollars 84 have been for ever lost
Now she is 27 years old and she has 10 sexual currency dollars 90 have been for ever lost
Of course this is when fertility starts to decline and her attractiveness really starts to fade fast so now it's really time to go Husband searching and find a nice guy with a nice job/good career potential when a couple years earlier she wouldn't have given that guy her time of day
Now she is 29 years old and she now has 5 sexual currency dollars 95 have been for ever lost
Of course once BIG 30 hits, panic will set in! To her almost any guy who has a decent earning job will do and she has to desperately get married fast before her last few dollars of sexual currency disappears all together.
Now she is 30 years old and she now has 3 sexual currency dollars 97 have been for ever lost
Now she is 31 years old and she now has 2 sexual currency dollars 98 have been for ever lost
Now she is 32 years old and she now has 1 sexual currency dollar 99 have been for ever lost
At 33 years old all her sexual currency value has been spent and if she didn't snatch her husband now she is in huge trouble
Of course these women are at where they are now due to their poor selections of men. Rather than admitting to their poor choices, taking responsibility and warning the next generation of women that they will end up alone with cats and no one to take care of them in old age should the next generation of women snub the nice hard working men during their youth.
Nope instead they go on a HUGE TIRADE
We get the pleasure of reading articles such as Child Man in the Promise Land, Where Have All The Good Men Gone etc
Now you should never give in and marry these used up women unless you want a future like this guy from the 25 second to 1:46 mark
Here is the song you get to look forward to listening if you end up like the guy in the previous video
Now in all due seriousness it baffles my mind when guys end up marrying 27 plus year olds. Your putting your lifetime financial stake at risk while you only get to enjoy the benefit at most 10% of her sexual currency value while guys before you got to enjoy the other 90% of her sexual currency value at a much cheaper rate.
Think about it!