The next chapter is Husbands in a hands basket. Mainly this chapter talks about how women who once were oppress now have freedom. She also says there is a history of male of male gender to its barbarism, disrespect, cruelty to women and children. She does say that for the most part current American men have been good. Generally, they do love their children and wives. She warns the women to be careful because they may become what they loathe. It is an interesting chapter but they are so many that I will be moving to the next one.
The next chapter is called the Compassionless Female. This is an interesting chapter although it is only 3 pages. Here is one paragraph from The Compassionless Female that pretty much sums up this chapter beautifully.
What is compassionate about women who are obsessed with their health and looks, and don’t feed their children nutritious food? What compassionate would force a child to live in a sterile museum? What compassionate mother would leave a child in daycare for 10 to 12 hours a day – especially when she doesn’t have a job? What kind of biological compassion screams at six-year-olds on soccer fields, and gives them hell publicly for their performances after games? And what kind of compassion demonstrates itself with television sets and computer games rather than, together, doing yard work, gardening, reading books, or baking cookies with children? And for that matter, what kind of compassion sends children into public schools, year after year, knowing full well that corruptions of every kind can and do infect them---especially the corruptions of Socialist union teachers and their political agendas?
The next chapter is called the Unfaithful Female and knowing that this chapter was coming up; I decided to start a thread on this forum dedicated to the Unfaithful Female.
Here is Nancy Levant’s view on this issue.
It is my opinion that women cheat for revenge or simply because they can. We are free. We can do what ever we want when we want…but some things are cheap entitlements---really stupid, cruel, and cheap. However, many women suck up the pain and pretend that their marriages are fine when husbands cheat. They feel that airing dirty laundry is socially condemning, so they, in effect, help the cheating husband to hide and continue the disloyalty. But cheating wives seem to enjoy affairs on several levels. They often think that affairs are funny and to be bragged about. They seem to actually gain self-esteem. And excuse me for such audacity, but some of the current TV shows, which turn adultery into comedy viewing at prime time, are literally dangerous to women. And I pray to God that no child watches these shows, though in fact, they demonstrate, to perfection, much of the material in this book. TV…great cultural documentation and hypnosis.
Well, I’ve identified that cheating women are in style, I’ll let my daycare children finish up this chapter.
“Mommy has a man friend, I saw them kissing.”
“Mom likes Mr. Henley. She invites him over when Dad goes to Boston.”
“I’m not allowed in Mommy’s room when Mr. Eric comes over. He brings me presents.”
“Mommy and our neighbor are dirty. They take baths together.”
The Unwell Spirit aka Hypochondria is an outstanding chapter. I will post three excerpts from it, but the whole chapter is definitely worth reading.
Excerpt #1
I know soccer moms, with two or more children, who go to massage therapists, chiropractors, day spas, and psychologists every week. And they don’t have jobs. Again, I find myself without words, but I guarantee you, I’ll think of a few as I mull this phenomenon over in my mind.
Excerpt #2
Economically, most American people are essentially broke from materialistic debt, the Federal Reserve, and corporately imposed inflation. Half of their marriages have ended in divorce. As workers, they are half blue-collar and half white-collar, which means they know how to do half as much with their hands. Most can’t and don’t grow food, can’t fix cars or small machinery or household machines, and most are one to two paychecks from poverty and two to three months from homelessness. Half or more of their children live with one parent or the other, and at least half of middle-class men pay or owe enormous child support payments. However, one would never know that the middle-class is broke by looking at its women.
Excerpt #3
I think middle-class women are being eaten alive, from the inside out, with guilt – pure and unadulterated guilt. I think they know they are guilty of poor mothering, being poor and mean-spirited wives, being bloodthirsty spendthrifts and self worshipping. I think they are shame ridden by their shallowness and rejection of womanhood. But I think that the “play rich” trends have become over-powering and far-reaching. Too many women have rooted themselves to the lifestyle and the fear the loss of social status, gossip, and rumors. You can see how skewed priorities have become as women choose status and appearances over family, and pathetically, many, many women are now depressed, manic, and diagnosable.
There are 13 pages to go until Section one concludes. So I will try to wrap it up in my next summary so we can move on to section two.