Monday, April 5, 2010

Sex Ploytation Part 27

Part 27

This sub chapter is called Sexist Society

Ours is an overtly sexist society, biased toward women. The evidence is obvious and
overwhelming-you don't have to look any farther than common sense. In times of war,
men are the cannon fodder conscripted to die in battle, while women are offered the
choice of military service; it is men who are forced to initiate courtship and finance sex;
men must shoulder the primary responsibilities of mortgages and college tuitions and
weddings (not to mention diamond rings). The justice system is disgracefully femalefriendly:
judges regularly give the nod to women predators who practice divorce as a
business; custody of children is routinely awarded to the wife, even if she is a known
abuser (fathers win custody of children in less than 2% of divorce cases, and usually only
when the mother is deceased or otherwise incapacitated); and when men and women
commit the same crime, men are many times more likely to be sentenced to prison.
Women have hoodwinked male society; the slave mistresses have conned their drones
into thanking them for a beating. They bully men with their vaginas. But by positioning
themselves as innocent, sexually pure "victims" of male "domination", women have
manipulated men into granting them tacit sanction of their whoredom. It is women who
are the true oppressors, not the oppressed: the logo of the feminist movement should be
not a female gender symbol, but a leather-clad dominatrix raising a bloody whip But even
though they can gain easy access to male-incomes, still, like spoiled children, they want
more. They lust after men's jobs as well, manifestly in a spirit of personal validation.
With one hand dipping into masculine pockets, they brag of their equality to men. But the
ethics of "liberation" must have made their prostitution self-evident, even to them-a
situation absolutely intolerable for such practiced self-deceivers and their response was to
campaign harder to insinuate themselves into the workplace, to try to legitimize their
gender with titles and offices.

In the business world men are natural egalitarians-proof enough is a recent Gallup poll
which recorded that 99% of men approved of equal pay for equal work. The emphasis
here is on the word "equal". Men don't care who does the job, as long as the job gets done
and done well. Accomplishment generally presupposes hard work, but a new generation
of "feminists", trained from childhood to be takers, and so accustomed to manipulating
men into giving them what they want, marched into office buildings expecting a sinecure
and found labor instead. They assumed that men would hand them equal jobs and equal
pay just because they were biologically female, and were shocked to learn that their
superiors weren't writing out fat paychecks for flirting and baring cleavage. Instead of
working harder, women began to use their energies to bitch about how unfair the "man's
world" is. It would never dawn on them that they are the sole authors of all their

For centuries, business has evolved as a male domain because men, conditioned by
women to have to purchase female attention, have been constrained into performing as
workhorses. Women have forced men to create such a unique environment, yet they are
dismayed to discover that their idle and alien presence is not particularly welcome here,
unless they are willing to toil as hard as men. What works well in the bedroom fails
miserably in the boardroom. Business depends on effort-that is to say, giving, not taking.
With few exceptions, the higher the salary, the greater the requirement of time and labor,
and women, spoon-fed a diet of female pornography (women's books, magazines and
television shows), have discovered that the true-life business world isn't elegant lunches
and deal-making on the slopes of Aspen, but stress and deadlines and traffic jams. So
accustomed to getting something for nothing, they have to come face to face with the
awful realization that profit exacts a price: the road to commercial success imposes an
expensive toll.